Hall and Stone are outside the home of Dr. Alan Benedict.
“I’ll bet they took it to the doctor,” says Hall.
They enter the doctors home, and walk into his home office. The doctor is dead, and is sprawled in his office chair.
In the opposite corner of the room is an overturned metal cone.
“There it is,” says Stone. He walks up to the cone and looks at the unhinged cap of the satellite.
“The damned fool opened it!” says Stone.
“Yeah,” says Hall, “Every country doctor should run his office like the Lunar Lab.” Hall turns and walks toward the doctor’s body.
“Capsule first, Hall,” says Stone, “We’ve got about forty minutes of oxygen left.”
Hall removes Dr. Benedict’s glasses and closes the corpse’s eyes. He loosens’s the doctor’s belt and places the body face down on the floor. Hall then pulls down the doctor’s pants.
“Have a look at his buttocks,” says Hall.
“That’s not funny,” replies Stone.
“Not meant to be,” says Hall. “Normally – “