“This machine has a long memory,” says Dutton, placing his hands on the scanner. “It gives you final clearance to enter Wildfire.”
A green light illuminates over the doorway, and the door opens. There’s a red painted corridor beyond the door, labeled “ENTRANCE LEVEL ONE.”
An announcement on the PA system: “Isothermal reading for MC levels four and five is Zee Bee NRA over two point nine.”
Hall and Stone meet Leavitt and Dutton in the corridor.
“How’s Piedmont?” asks Dutton.
“Had to order up a Seven- Twelve,” replies Stone. “How are you, Ruth?”
“Hello,” says Leavitt.
“No other way to halt the infection spread,” continues Stone. Hall and Dutton shake hands.
“Oh,” say Leavitt and Dutton.
Stone looks at Hall and Leavitt. “You two know each other, don’t you?”asks Stone.
“By reputation, only,” says Hall.
“Ah yes,” adds Leavitt,”Up to now, we’ve had to worship from afar.”
“Be good, Ruth,” chides Stone.
They enter the Delta Five communications room. There’s an Air Sergeant staring at the consoles.
“Any messages for me from the White House?” asks Stone.
“Not a thing, Doctor Stone, or you’d have it,” says the Sergeant.
“No personal message?” asks Leavitt.
“No, Ma’am,” replies the Sergeant.
“Nothing from Doctor Robertson?” asks Stone. “are you sure, Sergeant?”
The Sergeant glares at Dr. Stone. “Doctor Stone, sir, I have one thing to do. Just one. Everything else is fully-“