“What is it?” asks Hall.
The man in the sheet crumples to the ground.
“What happened?” asks Hall.
The man looks up at Hall with unseeing eyes, grimacing in agony.
The scene changes to a view from the helicopter, leaving Piedmont, New Mexico behind in the distance.
“The town is finished,” says Stone, on a radio telephone. “Contaminated beyond all-“
“Careful sir!” says Major Manchek from Scoop Mission Control. “This is an open transmission.”
“I’m aware of that, Manchek,” replies Stone. “Order up a Seven-Twelve.”
“Only the President-” begins Manchek.
“Precisely,” says Stone. “Get on it. The town must be neutralized immediately.”
The scene switches to a conference room with maps and TV sets embedded in the walls.
Dr. Robertson follows after Grimes, the chief of Staff.
“Has the President made his decision on Directive Seven Twelve yet?” asks Robertson.
“He doesn’t jump into things, Doctor Robertson,” replies the Chief of Staff. “First, I’ve got to put together a briefing for him. The President’s main concern is the international consequences. What do you think, Mister Secretary?”