Minute 106: Simmer Down, Professor

  • 18 January, 2021
  • 20.11M
The Andromeda Minute Podcast
The Andromeda Minute Podcast
Minute 106: Simmer Down, Professor


“Let’s all just keep our heads screwed on,” says Grimes. “Any thoughts about the Phantom crash?”

The Wildfire team looks at each other.

“We sent you a couple of messages on it!” says Grimes.

“A Phantom jet strayed over the cordoned area around Piedmont,” says Robertson.

“Any other information?” asks Stone.

“The pilot said that all the rubber on the plane was dissolving,” replies Robertson. “His last communication was pretty weird.”

“Like he was crazy?” asks Hall.

“He was might confused, that’s for sure,” says Grimes.

“Robbie, it’s your job to get the President to activate his Seven-Twelve immediately!” says Stone. “If he doesn’t, there’s no guarantee there’ll be anyone alive west of Piedmont in the morning!”

“Simmer down, Professor,” says Grimes. “I’ll wake the boss – but General Sparks says the crash was just a fluke.”

“Forget the crash, Robbie,” says Stone. “Stay on that Seven-Twelve and get back to me. We’ll be working around the clock.”

Later, in the Electron Microscopy lab, Stone works on getting a thin section of the Andromeda organism.

TITLE: “2:45 A.M.”

Stone’s hands are in a glovebox. He starts a micro saw and looks through a microscope at a wedge of material.

In This Episode:

  • David Wayne     as Dr. Charles Dutton
  • Kate Reid     as Dr. Ruth Leavitt
  • Arthur Hill     as Doctor Jeremy Stone
  • James Olson     as Dr. Mark Hall
  • Kermit Murdock as Dr. Robertson
  • Richard O'Brien as Grimes
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