The Andromeda Minute Podcast
The Andromeda Minute Podcast
Minute 023: Coronary

GUEST HOST: Chris Epting

Stone and Hall are looking at the body of a dead man in the town square. The corpse has been gnawed on by vultures.

“Coronary?” asks Stone.

Dr. Dutton puts on his jacket.

“I doubt it,” replies Hall.

A dead beagle and a small boy lay under billowing laundry hung on a clothesline.

Two boys lay dead on a basketball court.

Two women lay dead next to a sidewalk, the bodies of two vultures next to them.

A dead priest is sprawled across the entrance to the church.

Hall and Stone continue to survey the scene.

A dead postman lay in an entryway, mail strewn around him.

The body of a woman in front of the town grocery store lays near the store entrance, her packages scattered into the parking lot.

Hall looks into the window of the grocery store. Stone continues to walk past the small group of shops.

A man in a barber is dead in a chair.

Stone pauses in the doorway of the barber shop, looking at the man.

Hall looks up in the sky, and notices a bright glint of light.

“Hall?” says Stone.

“Take a look at this,” says Stone. “Are you sure this isn’t coronary?” They both look at the body of a bespectacled man in the parking lot of the grocery store.

“No,” says Hall. “Coronary’s painful. They should grimace.”

“If it was fast, they wouldn’t have -” begins Stone.

In This Episode:

  • Arthur Hill     as Dr. Jeremy Stone
  • James Olson     as Dr. Mark Hall
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