Minute 055: Even with a Microscope, They’re Blind

  • 10 August, 2020
  • 19.51M
The Andromeda Minute Podcast
The Andromeda Minute Podcast
Minute 055: Even with a Microscope, They're Blind

GUEST HOST: Pete the Retailer of Star Wars Minute

Dr. Stone imagines his own wife, dead in their bedroom. He remembers the desiccated blood pouring out of the Piedmont doctor’s wrist.

Meanwhile, Dr. Leavitt meditates in a yoga position. “A new form of life,” she thinks to herself. “like Rudolf Karp’s bacteria.”

“Fools!” says Karp, in a memory of Leavitt’s. “They refuse to believe life exists in meteorites! I showed them at the astrophysics conference what I just showed you. But, no – – even with a microscope, they’re blind. What do I have to do, hit them over the head?”

Leavitt nods her head.

Meanwhile, Charles Dutton sleeps on a bed. He dreams of a graduate seminar at Berkeley, where he drew an image of a man looking through a giant microscope at a plate of microbes, with a word balloon over the microbes saying “TAKE US TO YOUR LEADER.”

His graduate students laugh as he signs the artwork at the bottom of a blackboard.

“I’m glad you’re amused, gentlemen,” says Dutton, “but it might just turn out to be true. During this sym-“

In This Episode:

  • David Wayne     as Dr. Charles Dutton
  • Kate Reid     as Dr. Ruth Leavitt
  • Arthur Hill     as Doctor Jeremy Stone
  • James Olson     as Dr. Mark Hall
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